Akale Guzay, Tigray, fieldwork October 2017 (Source: M. Borderon)
Understanding the determinants of household food insecurity and itslinkage with migration in East Harerghe, Ethiopia
PhD Project: Lemlem Fitwi Weldemariam (IfGR, University of Vienna)
Duration: 2017 - 2020
Funding: APPEAR
Ethiopia is one of the African countries experiencing persistent chronic food insecurity, with a significant level of severity and intensity. Although mainly rural, Ethiopia is among the countries in the world with a high level of out-migration, both internal and international. At this time, the phenomenon of rural out-migration is a raising issue in the country and has attracted much attention from governmental and non-governmental organizations which consider it a development issue. Yet, the lack of empirical case studies on the nexus food security and migration in Ethiopia remains significant. Therefore, the understanding of the impact of out-migration on the sustainability of rural livelihoods needs to be better understood and investigated. My research seeks to contribute to filling this gap. Kersa, a districts in Eastern Harerghe, Ethiopia, with high levels of out-migration has been identified as a suitable research location to better understand the relationship between migration and household food security. My research particularly focuses on the role of rural out-migration as livelihood strategy and how it influences food security of rural households. Key to an improved understanding of the food security/migration nexus will be the identification of the main vulnerability determinants of households to food insecurity.