Foto: Sasin Tipchai (Pixabay)
AGRUMIG – ‘Leaving something behind’ - Migration governance and agricultural & rural change in ‘home’ communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa
Principal Investigator: Patrick Sakdapolrak (IfGR, University of Vienna), with Marion Borderon, and Harald Sterly (both IfGR, University of Vienna)
Research collaborators: SOAS University of London (UK), University of Birmingham (UK), International Water Management Institute (Sri Lanka), University of Central Asia (Kyrgyz Republic), National Institute for Economic Research (Republic of Moldo), Universitat di Bologna (Italy), University Mohammed V, Rabat (Morocco), Social Science Baha/Centre for the Study of Labour Mobility (Nepal), Raks Thai Foundation (Thailand), OSCE Academy Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic), Arba Minch University (Ethiopia), Mekelle University/Institute of Population Studies (Ethiopia), Center Polis Asia (Kyrgyz Republic), Haramaya University (Ethiopia), South China Agricultural University (China)
Duration: 2019 - 2022
Funded by EU Horizon 2020
The AGRUMIG project focuses on the nexus of migration and rural change, and it specifically considers the two-way relationship between the two sides: on the one hand, agricultural and rural change can significantly influence migration decisions and propensities, for example as stress factors such as environmental degradation, or decreasing producer prices; or as attraction factors, such as job creation, or economic growth. On the other hand, migration also impacts on agriculture and rural change, for example through financial remittances, the transfer of knowledge and increased connectivity to urban centres and markets.
The objectives of the project are a) to explore the two-sided interaction between migration and agricultural and rural change, and how it is shaped by institutional, economic, cultural and agri-ecological conditions; and b) to assess how governance interventions can increase the positive effects of migration, and reduce negative impacts on rural areas of origin.
AGRUMIG works with a dedicatedly comparative approach in seven countries in Africa, Asia and Europe (Nepal, Ethiopia, Thailand, Kyrgyz Republic, China, Moldova and Morocco).
The contribution of the working group on Population Geography and Demography will be the study of the migration-development nexus in Ethiopia and Thailand, making use of large demographic and socio-economic datasets in these two countries, and to elaborate on how the findings can be translated into policies and political instruments. The Vienna team is also co-leading a work package on migration and agriculture research.